Wednesday 30 November 2011

Oh Hubris.

It's never a good feeling to realise that you've inadvertently broken one of your own rules. Especially when that transgression comes back to bite you in the arse. For me, the rule in question was simply that I always research my technology purchases first. The jaw shaped laccerations on my buttocks: the 2.5" 250 GB hard disk sat on my desk that I have absolutely no use for and the hole in my bank account where money used to be.

To give a bit of context, I had intended to upgrade my brother's 360 with a hard drive as the 4GB internal memory is woefully inadequate. Since I'm unemployed and poor, I thought I could do this cheaply and effectively by getting any old 2.5" SATA hard drive, as used laptops, and simply formatting it appropriately. Ever since the floods in Thailand wiped out a large proportion of global hard disk manufacture,  prices had just been climbing and climbing. Since cost is such a factor I headed to eBay for an appropriate drive. Needless to say, I bid and I won.

Flash forward to this morning, the hard drive arrives and I begin the process of trying to set it up to work with the Xbox.

"What's this? Only Western Digital Drives can be made to work?! Oh... bollocks"

So now I have a 250 GB paperweight. All because I broke my own rule and didn't read up on the subject before I opened my wallet. Things have been going a bit too well, and I got a bit too cocky I suppose. Well, lesson learned.

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