Wednesday 26 October 2011

Not a Happy Camper.

Thirteen days ago, I ordered a part for my bike. Nothing vital or impressive, just an aftermarket nosecone fairing to help strengthen the look of the front end, which, even with the screen is a little weedy compared to the quite dense, heavy-set style of the bike. But I digress. 

Thirteen days ago, I ordered the part. Five days ago I contacted the seller, not because the item was late, but just to make sure I would be around when it arrived. It's at this point that the company elected to inform me that the part would have to be manufactured first, and delivery would be 30 days. This just boiled my piss. At no point during the order process was I made aware that this would be the case. That is atrocious customer service. Thirty days is a damn long time, more than that, it's longer than the 7-10 day blanket delivery time quoted on their website. 

For me, the worst part is that they didn't, at any time, decide to tell me what was going on. I only found out because I asked them. Why would anyone think that was a good idea?! It's just basic courtesy to keep your customer in the loop. All it would take is a notice on the appropriate page saying "This item may be subject to a manufacturing delay, please contact us for further details" or just give a generous timescale. There. Bam. I fixed the problem. So why the hell am I the one that's unemployed, whilst Welsh Eeyore (I had the displeasure of talking to one of their staff on the phone over another problem) and his cohorts continue to derp their way through with laughable customer service. I really hope that was the product of an equal opportunities hiring policy. No wonder this ...particular retailer had their old warehouse burned down!

The real point of this rant though, is that as annoyed as I am, I can't cancel the order. Buying straight from the manufacturer is subject to the same delay (though at least they have the good grace to tell you!) and is more expensive. So I am cursed instead to be screaming my rage away into the digital abyss. Waiting for a nosecone that may come at some point between now and mid-November. Having to wait with baited breath every day, because those useless bastards don't do dispatch emails.I suppose it could be worse. I could be a starving African. Well that's what all of the insignificant, gibbering imps chanting "First World Problems" at everything would tell me me. Bunch of hypocritical little nobends that they are. 

And breathe. 

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