Sunday 4 September 2011

And Now for Something Completely Different.

I've been on a bit of a retro/old game kick recently, sadly I've had to make do with rereleased games on more modern platforms, the wonderland that is Good Old Games (seriously, check it out: and, well...*coughemulatorscough*. These are good, but save for GOG which does old PC games, they don't really scratch the itch, part of the enjoyment of these old games was to play them with the console and pad that they were designed for.

Idly searching through eBay however has only served to show me that I'm not the only one nursing a semi for the past, with values particularly on SNESseseseses and Mega Drives steadily creeping up as supply and demand come closer to a state of equilibrium. This price inflation has had a knock on effect on later consoles too as they move from being simply old to having a "classic" status. Whilst flops and oddities such as the Saturn, Dreamcast; and to a lesser extent the Gamecube, can be found cheap in spite of their relative rarity, but can face the equally annoying problem of the good games being hard to find and/or expensive because they themselves were made in even smaller numbers than their failed console.
[/History Graduate Overanalysis of the the limited data]

In spite of all this, today I made a find that restored my faith in being able to get a bargain on old school consoles. At a local car boot sale I picked up an N64 and Dreamcast with games and a load of DC accessories for £20. I was feeling pretty chuffed, I can tell you. I'll admit that they aren't the formats at the top of my list (SNES and Mega Drive hold that honour) but I have been looking to get them at some point, and in this bargainous form I couldn't say no.

Just to break up the wall o' text.

With that arduous stage setting out of the way, I can get to the point. I am intending to try my hand at a little product centred journalism, namely giving my first (or in some cases second but separated by over a decade) impressions of the retro/oldschool games I come across. These won't be reviews, there's no point in that: there are years worth of those all over the web written by more eloquent people than me. But I will play through for as long as I feel like I need to get a good feeling of the game (or longer if I like them :D) and write an appropriate piece based on my thoughts, good and bad. Hopefully it'll be fun.

Anyone that didn't TL;DR, thanks and later.

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