Despite my current unemployment and poverty, I am somewhat blessed by having brothers heavily into Warhammer 40k. I'm far too impatient and hyper-competitive to actually learn to play, but I love the fluff; the design of the figures; and painting 'em up. Having more models around the house than the local GW means that I have a constant supply of them to paint. I recently had my first go at Tyranids, jumping in at the deep end with the Trygon.
The paint scheme is essentially a roughly misremembered version of the Hive Fleet Leviathan colours; the internet was off for a week and I couldn't be bothered riding to GW to see what it should have been. To be honest, I like this scheme more, I think that the bone colour suits the carapace plates more.
For reference, these are the Leviathan colours, straight from Games Workshop themselves.
Next time I'm going to have had the idea to do this blogging business before I'm finished and take some mid project pictures. For now, I'm just going to bulk this post out with more pics of it finished.
Here it is in more natural lighting, I can't believe I'm saying this but the pics don't do it justice (look forward to a post about me learning to take photos properly).
The pic below really shows off the only thing I'm not happy about: the base. I didn't have any basing materials beyond grass, and since I don't own the fig, I had to get it done!
I had a lot of fun with this: lots of layering of different colours using washes and drybrushing to get the organic but weathered look, it also made a break from the Imperial Guard armour I usually gravitate towards doing. I may change my mind after I've done another 2000 points worth, but right now I enjoy it.
Later people.